Set Up - Wednesday, November 28
Show - November 29 - December 1
Puzzles sold - 152
The show was open from 10am to 9 pm -- so there is no way I could have survived it without the help of a few good friends who helped me set up and run the booth -- not to mention an awesome MIL who came and watched the kids for me so I could be away from home.
All in all the show was a great experience -- I met a lot of people and gave away a huge stack of business cards. I was even asked to sign the back of a puzzle by one of the dad's who purchased 4 that was a first. I was also flattered by how many people told me I should be on Shark Tank :)
Some important things I learned:
-Most people who say they will be back -- won't
-The mother's of kids who come and play for the longest time with the puzzles and love them are highly doubtful to purchase a puzzle (grandmas on the other hand just might)
-Dad's got more excited about the puzzles than moms and they actually came back quite frequently
-People rarely understand the product without stopping and hearing an explanation
-People assume the puzzles are for kids 5 and under (so not true -- but I am not sure how to fix that misconception)
-My mood had a direct affect on how well my sales went
-Dressing up in Victorian isn't actually that bad
All in all it was a great learning experience and now that I recognize that Dad's love Flipzles I need to figure out how to better market to them. Any ideas would definitely be appreciated :)